Adding to a second Roku
Jon Ho
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2012/4/19
回覆: 2012年5月6日 上午 12:29 引用
How do I add 5iktv to a second Roku? Can I use the same subscription?
William Kao
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2012/5/12
回覆: 2012年5月13日 下午 07:00 引用

My house's Internet is 10Mbps download and 2Mbps upload and have plenty bandwidth.   I would like to use this service concurrently in 3 rooms using 3 separate roku in the house.   Is there a way to set it up?   

Thanks a lot.  
5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2012年5月14日 上午 10:40 引用
Dear member,
Thank you for the inquiry regarding using multiple Roku at the same time.  We have profiled your internet connection between our service site and learned that it might not be fast enough to handle 3 concurrent session at the same time.

If you like, we can set up test accounts for you to test for a period of time, and this will help determine whether it's workable or not.

As much we like to support multiple con-current devices, current internet infrastructure prevents us to do so. Mainly because connection speed cannot be guaranteed (from both yours or our connection), and the cost is not yet reasonable.

thank you for your support - please let us know how we can help further on.

Amy Lam
Steven Larrabee
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2012/2/21
回覆: 2012年7月17日 下午 08:11 引用
hi, i want to add this on a second roku please tell me what info you need? thank you
Jonathan Ho
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2012/5/6
回覆: 2012年10月21日 上午 09:42 引用
How many Roku's can I add to one 5iK account? If I could put one in every room in the house, I can completely replace my Dishnetwork and Comcast subscriptions with 5ik. That will be really nice.
5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2012年10月21日 上午 09:51 引用
Hi Jonathan,
Thank for checking.  According to our policy, you can have as many as you wish, as long they are in the same house (just like cable TV policy).   So, the answer to your question is yes, you may use many Roku or other supported devices as needed. 

Depending on the speed of your internet connection and traffic flow of your provider at the time, when you have multiple viewing sessions concurrently, the signal quality might be degraded, even produce lagging or unwatchable situation.  Therefore we strongly encourage you to use 1 viewing session at a time. 

Amy Lam