Matt Morrison
回覆#: 53
加入於: 2011/11/28
回覆: 2012年6月29日 上午 08:03 引用
Could you check my account profile? When I watch the channels on my TV, it runs smoothly. But when I watch it on my iPad, the screen freezes... I have logged in and out a few times but the issue persists, thanks!

5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2012年6月29日 下午 09:04 引用
Dear Andy,
Can you try the actions below and see if the problem still occurs:

1. Exit out other viewing session (and other big bandwidth eater problem such as BT download or so)
2. On iPad, double-click the button, running program will be listed.  Exit out all running programs to make sure iPad has enough resource.

From there can you start a new viewing session and see how it goes?

Amy Lam