5ik.tv app missing from Roku
Sunny Hsieh
回覆#: 6
加入於: 2011/10/16
回覆: 2022年2月24日 下午 02:55 引用

5ik.tv app disappeared from Roku and cannot re-add it.


Tried this link:


Did not work (did not allow me to add app or app did not show up), and system updates also did not work.

Please advise, thank you.






Johnny Liu
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2016/11/20
回覆: 2022年2月28日 上午 06:57 引用

My parents have the same problem.  Also, the 5ik.tv app suddenly uninstalled/disappeared from their Roku.  Also, we can no longer find the 5ik.tv app in Roku when we do a search to try to install the app again.

Is 5ik.tv out of business?  If not, they need to write something in this forum or at least answer the telephone when we call them (they never answer the phone).

This is ridiculous.

Johnny Liu
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2016/11/20
回覆: 2022年2月28日 下午 01:06 引用

Please, everyone who has the same problem, please say something in this forum.  I think 5ik.tv does not care about us at all.  I may try to find a lawyer soon to make a legal case against them because they never never never answer their phone number and they never never never ever respond to forum posts.  They just don't care about all of us in the USA that pay them money for Taiwan TV (or pay for Taiwan TV for our parents)!  They don't even think it is worth their time to post a message to this forum!

Jonathan Huang
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2012/12/5
回覆: 2022年2月28日 下午 10:23 引用




5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年2月28日 下午 10:27 引用

目前ROKU app已發佈(version 2.6)。請點選到以下網址來安裝ROKU軟體:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv 

若已完成安裝,請按遙控器的 *鍵 -> Check for updates 來確保是最新版本。


Nina Nina Cheng
回覆#: 2
加入於: 2012/11/17
回覆: 2022年3月1日 上午 05:00 引用

Hello, I've tried the link (https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv) and it's still not working. When I click on "Add Channel" the web page just refreshes and nothing happens. 

5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月1日 上午 05:45 引用

Nina Nina Cheng:

Hello, I've tried the link (https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv) and it's still not working. When I click on "Add Channel" the web page just refreshes and nothing happens. 


Hi Nina,
We have further tested the ROKU publishing status in different regions. Currently the latest software works in some area but we also receive the same problem as you described. This indicates 5ik.TV ROKU app is not yet published in your area.

The official publishing date according to ROKU is 2022/3/1 00:00:00 PST.  Please give it some more time.

Thank you for the patience,
Amy Lam

Jaurong Lin
回覆#: 2
加入於: 2014/2/19
回覆: 2022年3月2日 上午 12:34 引用

Johnny Liu:

Please, everyone who has the same problem, please say something in this forum.  I think 5ik.tv does not care about us at all.  I may try to find a lawyer soon to make a legal case against them because they never never never answer their phone number and they never never never ever respond to forum posts.  They just don't care about all of us in the USA that pay them money for Taiwan TV (or pay for Taiwan TV for our parents)!  They don't even think it is worth their time to post a message to this forum!

Jaurong Lin: I got in...

3/1最新狀況:ROKU尚未完成發佈,但有提供臨時網址:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=HM666X 可以暫時使用。 

add the code when you got in 5ik.tv then you will need to http://5ik.tv/roku to put down code

Jaurong Lin
回覆#: 2
加入於: 2014/2/19
回覆: 2022年3月2日 上午 12:35 引用

我們已送交最新的版本到ROKU,ROKU將在3/2 00:00:00 PST (UTC -7)公佈。屆時請點選到以下網址來安裝ROKU軟體:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv 在此期間,請您暫時使用 iPhone/iPad,或電腦,到5ik.TV網站中的熱映中來收看。 


Shu Fen Chen
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2017/7/9
回覆: 2022年3月2日 下午 07:00 引用

ROKU將在3/2 00:00:00 PST (UTC -7)公佈。屆時請點選到以下網址來安裝ROKU軟體:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv

It still not working now on 3/2. Are there someone still have the same problems?

5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月2日 下午 07:02 引用

Shu Fen Chen:

ROKU將在3/2 00:00:00 PST (UTC -7)公佈。屆時請點選到以下網址來安裝ROKU軟體:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv

It still not working now on 3/2. Are there someone still have the same problems?


Hi all,

Currently ROKU has not yet published channel code 5iktv. They do, however, provide a  temporary code:

Access Code: HM666X
You can use the code above to add the 5iktv channel on ROKU.

1. 安裝 5IK.TV 到ROKU上

  1. 在任何可以上網的設備,點選此連結來安裝5ik.TV到ROKU上。 您也可以到 ROKU owner web site 來輸入 private channel 代碼: HM666X
  2. 回到電視/ROKU畫面,點選Settings -> System Update 來取得更新。
  3. 完成更新後,點選遙控器上的Home鍵,應可以看到新增的 5ik.TV。

2. 聯結5IK.TV帳號

  1. 在ROKU遙控器,點選進入剛剛安裝的5ik.TV 程式,畫面會顯示啟動碼。
  2. 回到在任何可以上網的設備如電腦、iPhone或iPad,點這個連結 - 5ik.tv/roku/
  3. 畫面應會請您登入5ik.TV 帳號。若您已有5ik.TV帳號,請登入。或者請建立新帳號。
  4. 完成登入後,請輸入ROKU 畫面所顯示的啟動碼。
  5. 幾秒內,電視畫面應會顯示連結完成。恭喜,您可以開始在電視上使用 (或試用) 5ik.TV服務了!


Thank you for the patience,
Amy Lam

Johnny Liu
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2016/11/20
回覆: 2022年3月3日 上午 09:43 引用

When does Roku estimate that they will have a permanent fix/channel?  I don't want to set my parents with a temporary channel and then have to switch it again a few days later to a permanent channel.

5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月3日 上午 09:52 引用

Johnny Liu:

When does Roku estimate that they will have a permanent fix/channel?  I don't want to set my parents with a temporary channel and then have to switch it again a few days later to a permanent channel.


Currently the 5ik.TV channel is published.

Please follow the info below:


請點選到以下網址並完成 Add Channel程序:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv
回到ROKU搖控器,請點選Settings -> System -> System Update,然後點選Check Now。完成後5ik.TV即會出現。



1. 安裝 5IK.TV 到ROKU上

  1. 在任何可以上網的設備,點選此連結來安裝5ik.TV到ROKU上。 您也可以到 ROKU owner web site 的Add Channel with a code 並輸入代碼: 5iktv。
  2. 回到電視/使用ROKU搖控器,點選Settings -> System -> System Update,然後點選Check Now。
  3. 完成更新後,點選遙控器上的Home鍵,應可以看到新增的 5ik.TV。

2. 聯結5IK.TV帳號

  1. 在ROKU遙控器,點選進入剛剛安裝的5ik.TV 程式,畫面會顯示啟動碼。
  2. 回到在任何可以上網的設備如電腦、iPhone或iPad,點這個連結 - 5ik.tv/roku/
  3. 畫面應會請您登入5ik.TV 帳號。若您已有5ik.TV帳號,請登入。或者請建立新帳號。
  4. 完成登入後,請輸入ROKU 畫面所顯示的啟動碼。
  5. 幾秒內,電視畫面應會顯示連結完成。恭喜,您可以開始在電視上使用 (或試用) 5ik.TV服務了!


Currently ROKU has been published as channel code 5iktv:


Access Code: 5iktv
You can use the code above to add the 5iktv channel on ROKU.


Thank you for the patience,
Amy Lam

Nina Nina Cheng
回覆#: 2
加入於: 2012/11/17
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 03:29 引用

Still not working. It got so far as to show me a window asking me if I want to add 5ik.TV to my Roku account but when I click on "Yes, add channel" it says "Sorry, page not found". 

Jonathan Huang
回覆#: 3
加入於: 2012/12/5
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 05:11 引用

可加5ik channel。可是不能完成。

404 error code.


5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 06:20 引用

Jonathan Huang:

可加5ik channel。可是不能完成。

404 error code.



Hi John,

The error is from Add Channel wizard on my.roku.com operated by ROKU. They might have too much traffic, please try again.


Currently ROKU has been published as channel code 5iktv:
Access Code: 5iktv

You can use the code above to add the 5iktv channel on ROKU.
There's no need to wait 24 hours.  On ROKU remote,  press Settings -> System -> System Update, and the Check Now button.


請點選到以下網址並完成 Add Channel程序:https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=5iktv

回到ROKU搖控器,請點選Settings -> System -> System Update,然後點選Check Now。完成後5ik.TV即會出現。



1. 安裝 5IK.TV 到ROKU上

  1. 在任何可以上網的設備,點選此連結來安裝5ik.TV到ROKU上。 您也可以到 ROKU owner web site 的Add Channel with a code 並輸入代碼: 5iktv。
  2. 回到電視/使用ROKU搖控器,點選Settings -> System -> System Update,然後點選Check Now。
  3. 完成更新後,點選遙控器上的Home鍵,應可以看到新增的 5ik.TV。

2. 聯結5IK.TV帳號

  1. 在ROKU遙控器,點選進入剛剛安裝的5ik.TV 程式,畫面會顯示啟動碼。
  2. 回到在任何可以上網的設備如電腦、iPhone或iPad,點這個連結 - 5ik.tv/roku/
  3. 畫面應會請您登入5ik.TV 帳號。若您已有5ik.TV帳號,請登入。或者請建立新帳號。
  4. 完成登入後,請輸入ROKU 畫面所顯示的啟動碼。
  5. 幾秒內,電視畫面應會顯示連結完成。恭喜,您可以開始在電視上使用 (或試用) 5ik.TV服務了!


Thank you for the patience,

Amy Lam

Lawrence Hsieh
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2016/10/17
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 09:27 引用

Looks that this link will works: https://my.roku.com/account/add?channel=HM666X

Hank Lee
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2017/11/24
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 09:30 引用

Got 404 error code. Help. Has been down for week



5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月3日 下午 09:32 引用

Hi all,

my.roku.com (operated by roku) has been up and down for past few hours.  You might need to add channel again during off peak hours.

Sunny Hsieh
回覆#: 6
加入於: 2011/10/16
回覆: 2022年3月8日 下午 06:50 引用

I was finally able to add the 5ik app a few days ago, but it has disappeared yet again.

Adding via the link gives 404 error now.


5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2022年3月8日 下午 07:30 引用

S. Y. Hsieh:

I was finally able to add the 5ik app a few days ago, but it has disappeared yet again.

Adding via the link gives 404 error now.

