請問一個 5ik.tv account 可以用多少台 Roku?
Kevin Wang
回覆#: 6
加入於: 2012/6/26
回覆: 2012年11月7日 下午 06:01 引用
我們家有三個房兩個廳,所以可能要用到 5 台,  都可以 link 到同一個 account 嗎? 可以的話, 我就買多兩台 Roku.

5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2012年11月7日 下午 07:42 引用
Dear Kevin,
To allow 2 Roku at the same house, all you need to do is let us know the sub-account name (another e-mail address of yours) and we will create the account for you. From there, you can sign in to the sub-account and set up the 2nd Roku, just like how you link the 1st one with the sub-account.

As subscriber, you can have as many devices as you wish in the same house.

Please do note that, the policy is same as cable TV - you will need to use the devices at the same household.   Also, due the nature of Internet, when you have multiple viewing sessions concurrently, the signal quality might be degraded, even produce lagging and unwatchable. Therefore it is our policy to disallow more than one viewing session at the same time.

Thanks for your understanding and support,
Amy Lam
5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2013年1月6日 上午 11:40 引用
Dear all,
We are happy to announce new system logic.  Sub-account is no longer needed to save your trouble.  You can follow the normal Roku linking process to associate additional device(s), or just let us know the Roku serial number.  We will create the association for you.

The policy still stands - 
As subscriber, you can have as many devices as you wish in the same house. 
The policy is same as cable TV - you will need to use the devices at the same household.  

Due the nature of Internet, when you have multiple viewing sessions concurrently, the signal quality might be degraded, even produce lagging and unwatchable -- therefore we advise you not to use more than one viewing session at the same time.

Amy Lam
Yu Wang
回覆#: 1
加入於: 2015/12/25
回覆: 2016年5月2日 下午 09:21 引用
Hello,  I'm trying to link 3 other rokus to my account but they're not showing on my account.  
5ik.TV Support
狀態: 版主
回覆#: 378
加入於: 2011/5/2
回覆: 2016年5月2日 下午 10:41 引用
Hi Wesley,
Please contact support_at_5ik.tv with your Roku serial numbers. From there, we can help linking them with your account.

Amy Lam